James Ruse Agricultural High School

Gesta Non Verba

Telephone02 9871-7126


Our staff

Our staff have experience and skills in and a passion for working with highly gifted students. We are in the fortunate position to be able to focus our professional learning of staff to specifically meet the needs of highly gifted students with our school development days making best use of the expertise within the school and, when appropriate experts from national and international universities to further our understanding and ensure we are guided by best practice in gifted education. Over 80% of our teaching staff have undertaken the UNSW’s Mini Certificate for Gifted Education and we have a three years plan to embed the NSW DoE High Potential and Gifted Education Policy across all facets of school life.

Over 50% of our teachers belong to our Professional Learning Communities which aim to embed Harvard Project Zero’s Visible Thinking across the school. The objective is to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes thereby encouraging each student to strive for their personal best.

Our school executive


Ms Rachel Powell

Rachel Powell BA Hons Oxon PGCE MA has a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and an Masters of Arts (MA) in Women’s Studies, both from Manchester Metropolitan University. Her MA dissertation was entitled ‘Adolescent girls reading teenage magazines in relation to body size dissatisfaction'.

Rachel taught for 16 years in England, holding a range of teaching and leadership positions in inner urban public comprehensive schools. This included teaching History, Geography, Media Studies and English and being Head Teacher of History and Head of Humanities.

In 2002, as part of the newly established National Program for Gifted and Talented Education, Rachel was uniquely appointed as Head Teacher Gifted and Talented at Burnage High School where she established and coordinated an innovative and successful Gifted and Talented Program. From 2005 to 2008 she was Assistant Principal with a specific responsibility for inclusion. During her tenure she successfully completed the National Professional Qualification for Headship (a requirement for being promoted to Principal in England).

In 2009, soon after her arrival in Australia, Rachel worked as Head Teacher Wellbeing and a HSIE teacher at Kesser Torah College.

From 2010 - 2015 she was Head Teacher of History at Sydney Boys High School and subsequently took on the role as Debating Coordinator overseeing the growth of the program from 100 to 280 students. From 2015-2019 she was Deputy Principal at Sydney Boys High School. She was involved in the development of the professional learning materials to accompany the new High Potential and Gifted Education Policy.

Rachel commenced as Principal at James Ruse Agricultural High School in 2019.

Dr Carina Dennis
2024 Years 8, 10, and 12

Ms Melissa Schultz
2024 Years 7, 9, and 11

English (Relieving): Ms Alexandra Korch

Mathematics (Relieving): Ms Nancy Zhu

Science: Ms Mona Bedwany 

Agriculture and Technological and Applied Studies (TAS): Mr Richard Grant

Creative And Performing Arts (CAPA): Mrs Rachel Hann

Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) & Languages: Ms Belinda Buurma

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) & Sport: Ms Lisa Bauer

Administration: Dr Ziad Jomaa

Teaching & Learning: Ms Dora Kindis

Wellbeing (Relieving): Ms Lauren Silvestro

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.